We're back with Blue and White Porcelain! Cups! One workshop ticket per attendee.
In this workshop, you will be given time to make 1-2 cups (depends on the detail you want to spend on your cup). Because these are porcelain cups, very specific instructions will be given and encouraged so that your final projects are a success. No experience is necessary, though interest and curiosity is a requirement.
Length of workshop is 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Come spend time in the South End and plan to stroll around the cafes, restaurants, and shops afterwards.
Located in our private ceramic workshop in the beautiful hidden courtyard off of Waltham Street. More details will be sent out to attendees. Check those friendly Spam folders.
When do I get my cup?
You should expect to be able to pick-up your cup(s) 3-4 weeks from the day you made it. If it is ready earlier, you will receive an email. At the workshop, we will also go over this since it is the most anticipated part!
Will it be crowded?
Our workshops are intimate and provide enough space for up to four people to spread out their individual projects and get the attention of the teacher (me) so I can pick on y— help you.
Do you provide cover-up clothing?
Great question! Not right now. So, please dress according to your craft-accident prone qualities. I favor a t-shirt and jeans. You maybe have a kilt or jumper that you not only love to wear, but enjoy getting muddy.