It's that time of year again. But this year, I will NOT be missing my ownJoy Street Open Studios! This weekend, Nov. 18+19th at 86 Joy Street in Somerville. [And the crowd behind their digital screens goes wild!]
After a full year of travelingshows for the trade, pop-ups, and west coast Renegade Craft Fairs, and even a wee vacation to theFatherland of Scotland; I have finally landed back in my Somerville studio for...
I only just realized how long it has been since I last shared something via the website! Many apologies my friendly readers. Most of you already follow me via theInstagram page, so at least you know somewhat of what is going on at the studio. Still alive and well!
Newsletter folks, you already heard the good word, but for everyone else not signed up for updated, [drum roll please]... the new Heritage Collection has just launched! I couldn't be more...
Finally, back in Atlanta again! This weekend I'm joining other juried artisans from around the country to show at the American Craft Council show. We're at the Cobb Galleria and the weather just keeps getting better and better. I've had the chance to talk to lovely folks about Savannah, Atlanta, Athens, Decatur... all the places I want to get to know more about. Not long ago, I was carried in a shop here in...