New pieces for the Fall
I only just realized how long it has been since I last shared something via the website! Many apologies my friendly readers. Most of you already follow me via the Instagram page, so at least you know somewhat of what is going on at the studio. Still alive and well!
Newsletter folks, you already heard the good word, but for everyone else not signed up for updated, [drum roll please]... the new Heritage Collection has just launched! I couldn't be more pleased with the evolution of Porcelain and Stone's Jewelry line for this Fall.
These earrings have come about after a long denial over the course of two years and finally I am prepared to say, I sincerely love them. They are at once simple and yet still unique in their material choice. I love when something can make you feel proud when you wear it, and know that you alone are getting something rare and special.
Regretfully, I'm keeping this update short. But, I'm excited for what's to launch in the next couple of weeks. So, definitely [like, whoa] check back for more updates, or sign up for the newsletter up above (my amazing new Marketing lass, Rani, will love you for it). I will just be the one writing these things up and talking to myself as usual. No big deal-io.
With love + hustle,