Jewelry Making Workshops in Boston
Jewelry making workshops in our Boston studio are now going up on the website! This spring, I'm introducing a few more options as well as some new time frames for those that want an earlier in the day treat and can mark it as an enrichment time to leave work early. Or are you one of the night owls? I would love to know who is on my late night side since I have been shifting towards earlier day options!
Recently a small group reached out to me for a custom time and day to have their workshop, and while it was not an ordinary time slot for when I hold workshops, it was so perfect: everyone got out in time for another activity before going off to their dinner plans together. It was a fun way to combine a small group of friends gathering for a mini-reunion, and giving them a subject to learn and bond over.
Perhaps one of my most memorable events was a private session: one-on-one. It was such a fun session because I got to put this person through quite a few of the things I would probably not do with a group session. It was very nice to customize based on what this person was looking for, and the same was nice to do for the small private group session, because their overall goal was to have fun.
This year, keep a closer look out for workshop offerings! And as always, feel free to email and reach out if you have a group and a special ideal time that you are looking for: this is like the grown-up version of a slumber party.... without the sleeping bags, and nobody wants to play hide-and-seek with the lights off, Veroniiiiccaaa. Love ya, Vero.
And! Hope some of you stumble into my Boston studio some time!